
11 Best Legal Apps For Lawyers In 2024

Globally, lawyers have to endure one of the most hectic professional lives. The pressure of multiple clients, difficult cases as well as maintaining a grasp on the regulations and laws can affect their attention spans. A bit of technological help, whether from a personalized point of view or from an organizational point of view certainly eases up their workload. These best legal apps for lawyers or software can help organize, manage and keep track of documents and tasks better, leaving the lawyers to only concentrate on giving their best in their legal profession.

11 Best Lawyers Apps in 2024


1. Legal Dictionary by Farlex

Playstore Rating: 4.4

It helps the users to get acquainted with all legal terms, scholars, and attorneys, and get to know about the legal system of the country.

This legal app for lawyers is very easy to use, and users can easily browse for anything they desire to know about the law. No content is hidden and is available for all. The app also has audio of these terms.

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2. FastCase

Playstore Rating: 3.6

Fastcase is a free legal research application that puts the American law library in your hand. With this handy program on your phone or tablet, users can search by citation and keyword (in boolean language) as well as browse through collections of statutes from all 50 states plus federal government sources such as Code Citations & Statutes At Large which are arranged conveniently within their own categories for easy navigation, allowing attorneys to quickly find what they need without wasting time going back over the old ground!

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3. Evernote

Playstore Rating: 4.2

Evernote is one of the best note-taking apps for lawyers. This app helps in keeping notes and acts as a planner.

The app synchronizes all information of the user across devices so that they are ready to use whenever required. The notes can be of any format and can be stored in various formats. It acts as a digital notepad which also allows the user to plan for events in the future.


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The aforementioned apps are certainly the best in the online world of law. They have been the lawyer's best friends for the entirety of the year 2024. Considering how technology has grown to impact almost all domains of life, as a budding lawyer, you must embrace using these apps to make your professional life easier and better managed.

4. Notarize

Playstore Rating: 4.8

This legal app on Google Playstore helps in notarizing any document legally from the mobile.

Notarize is another one of the best apps for lawyers. The user can easily notarize any document through this app. After uploading the document and giving necessary identity proofs, one can connect with a professional via video call and get their job done. The notarizing agents from Virginia are very experienced and highly skilled to provide the best services to the users.

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5. Lawyernomics by Avvo

A global leader in legal expertise, Avvo brings to you its very own event management app Lawyernomics. The app is a one-stop solution for getting all the information about Avvo events. Lawyernomics provides users with the details of conferences, the speakers and their bios, specially formulated articles, and even recordings of the conferences. The app allows you to sync your personal calendar into it so that you can manage your events as well as the Avvo Conferences through one single app. Never miss out on the next legal conference because you were unaware of its news, as Lawyernomics keeps you abreast of all such happenings in the legal world.

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6. Documents to Go

Playstore Rating: 4.2

Docs To Go is one of the most important apps for lawyers who want to go paperless. This app helps lawyers handle documents and create them from their android devices themselves. The app is well-designed to handle different formats of documents ranging from PDF, and e-pub versions to Microsoft Office files. The documents you create or open using this app retain the option of being edited even after sharing to other devices. This app has Cloud services support. You can easily view, edit, save, and sync with multiple cloud services: Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, and Google Drive.

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7. Time Clock Wizard

Playstore Rating: 4.2

Unable to keep track of time and your working hours? Time Clock Wizard It allows you to track your working hours, schedule appointments as well as create payroll sheets directly from the phone.

The app has a very user-convenient dashboard that can synchronize all the data from the mobile to the account. Gps tracking helps in keeping track of time. The employee task management system ensures employees are always notified and receipt images are easily uploaded.

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8. To Do List

Playstore Rating: 4.8

Keep your professional life mismanagement free as you will never miss another important event with To-Do List. The app helps users to create a list of their activities to be done.

It is very user-convenient and syncs with Google. Multiple tasks can be added simultaneously. Its smart interface helps the user to stay organized and maintain his schedule perfectly every day. The status bar keeps him notified of the tasks remaining and is notified if any are pending.

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9. Dropbox

Playstore Rating: 4.2

Dropbox is like that online folder, in which you can store all your files, documents as well as images relevant to your legal cases. Dropbox provides volumes of cloud storage that allow you to store and access all your documents, which are also shareable with your co-workers and clients. Dropbox allows you to access and share files, irrespective of the devices on which you have them stored. Once again, like all good apps for lawyers, this app is very secure and extremely flexible. The latest features of dropbox include around 175 file types, which can be previewed on the run.

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10. Adobe Scan

Playstore Rating: 4.6

It is certainly impossible to get access to a scanner to scan important handwritten documents that must be documented. Solving that problem of yours, Adobe Scan brings you an online, portable scanner that lets you conduct your legal projects even when you are on a trip. All your documents, receipts, bills, quick notes, and anything you want can be scanned and converted either into doc or pdf formats.

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11. LogMeIn

Playstore Rating: 3.2

Often you would require legal documents or might have to refer to statutory laws suddenly in the courtroom, which you have stored in the remote PCs in your home or offices. It is quite unfeasible to carry all these documents with you or on your phone. LogMeIn saves you all that hassle by letting you access your computer from anywhere at any time. With a subscription to LogMeIn Pro, you will get a secure connection with documents stored on your computer on the go.

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Frequently Asked Questions: 

What are the most helpful legal apps?

The 10 apps mentioned above are the most helpful legal apps, that could help you with legal help and expert advice in almost every domain that you would possibly require.

Are legal apps free to use?

Legal apps that are released in the public domains by governments or public services are usually free cost. But certain apps that provide excellent legal help are provided by private legal enterprises and require paid access

Why should I use legal apps?

The best legal apps ease your life by handling tasks that you would love your secretary to do for you. Considering you do not want to employ a secretary for you, take the help of these apps to always stay ahead of the planning curve.

What are some of the features that you should look for in legal apps?

Some of the features that you should consider while choosing the best legal apps for you are: 1> Ease of usage 2> Total Security 3> Speed of Interface

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Team Technical Explore
(353 Articles Published)

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