Helping Businesses Fight Email Spam the Right Way

Most businesses communicate through emails. Email is a professional way for these companies to share and pass information to employees and other affiliated stakeholders. Unfortunately, junk affects most businesses today.

Spam is always unprecedented and may contain misleading or illegal content. Additionally, it is challenging to get rid of junk entirely from the inbox. However, there are certain tips that companies can incorporate to get rid of it almost entirely.

Utilize Email Filters

Before anything else, the first step that a business should take is to ensure it has working email filters. They should also seek ways to reinforce these filters. The settings will vary depending on the email provider in question. It is easier to protect the business’ critical inbox from these junk emails than to get rid of them.

While email filters can help reduce spam emails, businesses should note that scammers invent new ways to get them through every day. Email filters help the provider identify the suspicious ones. Unfortunately, sometimes these tools fail to block all the content. The good news, however, is that you can use Spam Bully and MailWasher, third-party junk filters, for more protection.

Register Two Email Addresses

By having two email accounts, a business can control and reduce spam messages. The public email account can be used for marketing and PR purposes; this is the one you should share with promoters. Including a separate business email safeguards your company from severe scam attacks.

You must keep your main business email protected from malicious users since it contains sensitive information about the business. This is to suggest that only one of these is to be made public. The private mails are only for trusted contacts and allies. Conversely, enterprises should avoid using personal emails on their websites.

Avoid Responding to Suspicious Emails

It is critical to note that spammers only have one aim: to ensure you respond to their mail. Spammers dupe recipients with appealing offers to get them to respond. A firm has much more to lose. Protecting spammers from slipping into your inbox begins with the recipient. Fast action may save you from cyber-attacks. These are also potential sources of malware that can harm an organization's files and system at worse.

Hackers will even want to acquire your files, which they can, in turn, use for blackmail. Therefore, a company should ensure that only the most significant content is in their inbox and keep away promotional and phishing attacks. By not responding to them, you are one step ahead. If, indeed, it’s from a legitimate company, you may have prevented them from sending more.

Enterprises can also verify whether a sender’s identity is real using Nuwber before deciding to respond or not. It is a proactive way of staying safe because you can never be too cautious.

Avoid Posting Business Email Address in the Public

Most scammers can efficiently utilize technological resources to look through the internet for email address lists. Posting critical business emails online puts your business at risk. Spammers can quickly get it from the web and use it to scam you or offer it to other corporations. However, there are more convenient ways to get prospects without sacrificing your business email.

If the enterprise has a functional site, Google Forms can be enough to help collect customer information. This allows clients to provide information to you and at the same time keeping your email address confidential. Other ways that you can block your email address from public exposure include:

  • Always consider a domain discretion feature when purchasing a domain. This is especially true when you are using private contacts. This way, your email contact will not appear on or such public databases. Other public places to avoid are the domain registrar's database and directories.
  • Businesses can utilize TempMail to keep their email accounts secure. The site allows companies to use a temporary email account to access sites that require email signups while keeping the actual address private.

Avoid Sharing Your Email with Untrusted Organizations

While most companies will safeguard your contact details, a few may misuse that information. For instance, when you give another corporation your email address, they may sell it to other marketing parties. In addition, if the information reaches spammers, they won't hesitate to use it against you.

Sharing contact information with only trusted organizations lowers the chances of getting spammed. Junk may come from organizations that are either similar to the organization you gave the information or through impersonating the actual company.

It is also important to note that some corporations have specific policies that may allow them to share your information. You can also ascertain a company's confidentiality by reviewing its privacy policies. Nevertheless, you should also be aware that well-known businesses can also give away your company's email address. Again, these companies may have been victims of cyber-attacks, thus exposing your email contacts to scammers.

Block Suspicious Senders

Every company must protect itself from cybercriminals, even if it means blocking specific contacts. Data criminals often use fake addresses that can easily fool you. However, if you find a suspicious or fraudulent message, you should be quick to block it. Blocking spammers can reduce spam and also prevent them from contacting you again.

While blocking is not the best way to keep away spammers, it keeps your inbox tidy and organized with only essential information. Some scammers can be very persistent; they can keep contacting you using different email addresses. Other email providers allow the blocking of emails in various ways. Google even provides a page where you can report a Gmail user.

Educate Company Employees on Security

Employees are an essential part of an organization. Educating them on email security and management helps keep the company safe. The employees need to be educated on handling emails, including how to recognize spam. Again, employees can utilize the security resources such as antivirus and other security measures.


Managing and keeping spam away from email inbox should be a priority for any business. A company can even hire virtual assistants to organize and handle emails. Unfortunately, spam can present many problems to your business. While you cannot control scammers and cybercriminals, preventing scams and malware is possible. Some third-party apps and extensions can help block spam, keeping possible malware away from your business emails.

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Team Technical Explore
(353 Articles Published)

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